Monday, September 4th, 2017 16:07:46

5 almonds 5 benefits!

Health & Food


For many of us have a busy schedule and thus a hectic morning. We rush to work and skip our breakfast… Avoiding the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So a one way solution to this rush with positives of a tree nut might guide your way to a healthier and nutritious morning everyday.

Almonds, something that adds flavour and enhances many eatable items is one of those tree nuts that when taken in the morning will complete the nutritional intake of your breakfast on the go! All you need to do is… Soak 5-10 almonds in water a night before!

As a fact almonds contain fiber, Protein, Fat, Vitamin E, Manganese, Magnesium and a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus. This is all from a small handful, which supplies only 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates and 161 calories. And with these facts here we go shoting down 5 reasons that’ll make you prefer almonds everyday.

1. Good for your brain:

Studies have shown that almonds in the diet, as well as almond oil, is nutritive to the overall health and functioning of the nervous system. Nutrients in almonds help development and health of the human brain especially growing children. Almonds also contain two vital brain nutrients, which have been shown to increase brain activities. 

2. Almonds are a fantastic source of antioxidants:

Almonds are high in antioxidants that can protect your cells from oxidative damage, a major contributor to ageing and disease. 

3. Helps lower the ‘Bad’ cholesterol:

Almonds helps increasing the level of high density lipoproteins and they reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL). This balance is vital to a healthy cholesterol level. Thus leading to low risk of heart attacks and blood pressure issues.

4. Prevention of cancer:

Almonds are rich in fiber and according to National Cancer Center – high-fiber diets reduce the risk of colon cancer. 

5. Skin Hair and health :

It makes skin look healthier and glowing, and slows down the process of ageing too. Ladies can get rid of Dark circles and tanning using almonds. Hair become shinier and darker, just as any girl would love it, with the right amount of intake of almonds in your daily routine!!

Plus to act as a cherry over our cake of health… Every next person we see is suffering from weak eyesight and almond help in recovering that too. Almonds do not just remove the dark circles but improves the vision too giving you long flirty eyelashes.


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